
Democracy is confronting its greatest challenges in generations, both in the United States and around the world.

Increasing toxic polarization, erosion of trust in and commitment to democratic norms and institutions, concerted efforts to subvert elections, and an alarming rise in extremism and political violence all threaten the democratic system that — for all its limitations — has enabled dramatic improvements in the rights and lives of its citizens for nearly 250 years.

This degradation of democracy affects all of us, and its preservation will take all of us. The Jewish community has thrived in America alongside other marginalized and minority groups who have found a home here. It is now necessary to join with these communities, and others from the business, labor, faith, and government sectors, in ensuring the same is true for the next generation.

“Democracy is something you do,
not something you have.”

- Dr. Hahrie Han, Strategic Advisor
SNF Agora Institute, Johns Hopkins University

Get involved.

If you, like us, remain invested in ensuring a healthy and functioning American democracy, join
us as we dig in to ensure a strong and resilient democracy this year and beyond.

Our Executive Director

Our Executive Director, Aaron Dorfman

Aaron Dorfman is Founder and Executive Director of A More Perfect Union: The Jewish Partnership for Democracy. Prior to launching A More Perfect Union, he served as President of Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah, Vice President for Programs at American Jewish World Service, and Director of Informal Education at Temple Isaiah of Contra Costa County. Aaron serves on the Advisory Board of the Safety Respect Equity Network and on the board of Contina Impact. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, with his wife Talia Milgrom-Elcott and their three daughters.

Strategic Advisory

  • Mike Berkowitz

    Co-Founder, Third Plateau Social Impact Strategies

  • Dr. Mijal Bitton

    Scholar in Residence, Shalom Hartman Institute of North America

  • Rabbi Sharon Brous

    Founding and Senior Rabbi, IKAR

  • Erica Brown

    Vice Provost and Director of Sacks-Herenstein Center for Values and Leadership, Yeshiva University

  • Rachel Brown

    Executive Director, Over Zero

  • Kristen Cambell

    Chief Executive Officer, Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement

  • Mona Charen

    Policy Editor, The Bulwark and Host, Beg to Differ Podcast

  • Chris Crawford

    Policy Advocate, Protect Democracy

  • William Daroff

    CEO, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

  • Louise Dubé

    Executive Director, iCivics

  • Man with green shirt, wide smile, and circular glasses

    Rabbi Josh Feigelson

    Executive Director and CEO, Institute for Jewish Spirituality

  • Barry Finestone

    President and CEO, Jim Joseph Foundation

  • Mindy Finn

    Chief Executive Officer, CitizenData

  • Ben Ginsberg

    Co-Chair, Election Official Legal Defense Network and Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution

  • Rabbi Mark Gottlieb

    Senior Director, The Tikvah Fund

  • Hahrie Han

    Inaugural Director, SNF Agora Institute, Johns Hopkins University

  • Andrew Hanauer

    President and Chief Executive Officer, One America Movement

  • Tiffany Harris

    Chief Program Officer, Moishe House

  • Eitan Hersh

    Associate Professor of Political Science, Tufts University

  • Yehuda Kurtzer

    President, The Shalom Hartman Institute of North America

  • Eli Lehrer

    President, R Street

  • Yuval Levin

    Director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies, American Enterprise Institute

  • Steven Levitsky

    Professor of Government and Director of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University

  • Megan Lewis

    Co-Founder and Executive Director, Voting Rights Lab

  • Yascha Mounk

    Professor of the Practice of International Affairs, Johns Hopkins University

  • Eboo Patel

    Founder and President,
    Interfaith America

  • Rabbi Jonah Pesner

    Director, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

  • Josh Rolnick

    Founding Board Member, Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah

  • Nilmini Rubin

    Co-Founder, Fix the System

  • Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter

    Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter

    University Professor of Jewish History and Jewish Thought, Yeshiva University

  • Rabbi Rachel Timoner

    Senior Rabbi, Congregation Beth Elohim

  • Eric K. Ward

    Executive Vice President,
    Race Forward

  • Rabbi Deborah Waxman

    Rabbi Deborah Waxman

    President and CEO, Reconstructing Judaism

  • Rabbi Melissa Weintraub

    Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director, Resetting the Table

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